The best way of handling one's debt is to analyse one's current state of debt & finances & clearly evaluate the situation. While getting in touch with creditors remember to show them a true & clear picture. Put across the extent to which you can actually meet your obligations & you may even disclose the means by which you will do so. Claim only what you can do & then stick to it. Be precise & accurate about things, there is no point in beating around the bush by making ambiguous statements like "I will try & pay my debts by end of this month or may be next month".
Keep in mind that meeting deadlines is important. On receiving any court papers one must ensure to reply within the stipulated time. Debt advice can be taken from solicitors if one is interested in out of court settlement with creditors as this may help to save on unnecessary expenditure. In such a case one should try & negotiate with the creditor or his agent before the court deadlines. In statements of means that have to be presented to creditors, be fair & realistic. Do not include unreasonable & fictitious figures as it will add to the problems. Another important thing is to keep one's cool & be patient in such times. Do not shout out at the creditors or behave rudely out of frustration. The more polite one tries to be, the easier it gets to make the other party understand the situation. Creditors will also sympathies in such situation provided you remain courteous.
Make sure to reply to letters & calls so that one is abreast with all communication & information & does not miss out on something important. If one is threatened for undue reasons or harassed by the creditor then the same should be reported with immediate effect. All the bills must be compiled & credit card statements should be kept in place for future reference. Try & indulge in written correspondence with agents & claimants as it helps for keeping record.
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